Email Marketers – Don’t Be So Needy
You know the three day rule when calling someone who just gave you their number? — Wait a long time to call that cutie or hunk who gave you their number and they’ll think you’re oh-so-cool. Call them very quickly an you’ll come off as a needy loser. It’s a fact.
As email marketers, why settle for just “cool” when we could be SUPER cool? Let’s make ’em wait an entire month or even a year! By then the anticipation should have built to such extreme levels that the recipient physically can’t help themselves from clicking and buying anything and everything you throw at them! (That, or they forgot who you are and mark you as a dirty spammer…)
This week’s email marketing protip – Be super cool. Forget the prompt welcome emails, you don’t want to look needy, and if you’re sending more than once a year, backoff. You don’t want to scare off those handsome and beautiful folks on your list! Don’t worry people on the internet are well known for their long attention span and even longer memory, they won’t forget you.
Today’s completely un-sarcastic post and comic provided by Evan Diaz of Lucky Red Pixel. You can also find him @evandiaz
- Virgin Mobile – What they do right and wrong (mostly wrong). - February 12, 2014
- What can You Learn from this B2B Email Campaign? - December 10, 2013
- What Sears Does Right (and Wrong). - July 30, 2013
by david nelson
This totally works! Using this method I’ve successfully whittled an unmanageable ten thousand names down to my best 13.
Thanks Super Cool Email Guy!
by evandiaz
Heey, no problem, glad to see our advanced email pro tips are being put to good use :)
by Robin C Kennedy
I’ll get back to you in a couple of months with my comment……
by Scott Hardigree
Good one Robin! You too David.
by TriciaKat
Why email people at all? We all know email is dead! It’s not like your customers are going to forget about you or be tempted by your competitors offers! haha
Love the post Evan!
by evandiaz
Hehe, thanks Tricia!