For legitimate email marketer it’s often difficult to avoid the dreaded spam folder. Now imagine that you work in the pharmaceutical industry. Ouch. However through creativity and ingenuity this marketer got huge returns on their email marketing efforts.
Of course you’d expect tight, clean design from Apple but this most recent email for their new iPod nano, from a pure impact perspective, is impeccable.
Do you use your corporate personality to make your standard email marketing practices more engaging? If you’re anything like 99.9999999% of the marketing universe, probably not.
Preview text, be it executed through pre-header text, snippets, image alt tags or a combination thereof, are the most often overlooked, untested, yet critical, components in crafting effective email marketing messages.
As email marketing continues to grow in both breadth and depth, I’ve observed that there is still surprising void in the supplier marketplace, those organizations that both create and improve the performance of the email message, or creative, itself.
You’d think that a direct mail and email list brokerage and management company like Macromark would know a thing or two about email rendering, alt tags, text-to-image ratios, or pre-header text. You’d be wrong.