As a Product Manager for a SAAS provider, I get a lot of B2B marketing emails. I'll be honest — I delete most of them. Heck, I didn't even opt into receiving many of them. The irony that an email marketing product…
Ever get that uncomfortable feeling before sending out an email? That "is everything right" or "did I forget anything" feeling? You're not alone.To help you relieve your campaign anxiety Email Critic contributor, Jordie van Rijn of Email Monday, put his email marketing…
After all the years I've worked in the email marketing industry, I am still amazed at the changes we go through on a regular basis. From the start of DMARC to deal with phishing to the intricacies of social media integration, it…
Mark my words. We have crossed the threshold - there are just about 11 months left until it all goes up in smoke.The Mayan Calendar predicts the end of days arriving promptly in December 2012. This is quite a big deal to…
Email marketing has always had ‘revenue power’ it’s the reason why spammers continue to make tons of cash and your inbox junk folder is full of pills, refinance offers, and random emails from African princes. These days email marketers continue to unleash…
Social media presents a wealth of new opportunities for marketers. Many find it has a lot of value in their marketing mix. But when compared to email marketing, does social deliver?Even with all the great options social marketing presents, email…
Your customers aren't always who you think they are. And they don't automatically love you and approve of everything you do. In fact, they are much more like cats than dogs in the way they regard you…and me. I wrote on this…
With Father's day almost upon us, here's 13 ways you can apply traditional "dad advice" to improve your email marketing practices.Always introduce yourself with a firm handshake – send out a 'Welcome Email' to all new subscribers fully introducing the concept, product,…
Spammers suck.They’re awful at what they do (the last stat I saw of their conversion rates was in the neighborhood of 1 in 12,000,000) so what in the world can we learn from them?TONS.Even though I’m a professional email marketer – someone…
Back in the day when I used to go to the mall for fun (it was called growing up in the 80s and 90s before online shopping), Brookstone was one of my favorite stores. Not because I bought anything—in fact, I’m not…